The creation is singing and dancing the praises of its Maker so clearly and so loudly, that Paul says everyone is “without excuse” when they ignore what is “clearly perceived” (Romans 1:20). The fine-tuning of this massive, marvelous, intricate universe we live in is just one of many ways that the creation is declaring the existence and glory of its Creator. Yet the effort to suppress the truth (Romans 1:18) continues in every generation, in a variety of ways.
Is the Sabbath Command Still Relevant?
The fourth of the Ten Commandments is found in Exodus 20:8-11, encapsulated with “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy…” Some well-meaning Christians contend that this command is no longer applicable to us today because we are “not under law but under grace” (Romans 6:14), and because some see Christ as the fulfillment of this law per Colossians 2:16-17:
Sowing, Reaping, & George Floyd
Like most of you, I’ve been thinking a lot recently: About race and justice and police immunity and identity politics and a thousand other things that landed us where we are. But mostly I’ve been thinking about sowing and reaping. Paul said that we reap what we sow: “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). It’s true for individuals and true for cultures: Life gives us back what we (individually and collectively) put into it. Not immediately. But over time and with the unbreakable rhythm of the seasons.
Lessons From Monastic Life For Quarantine
The present crisis has forced many of us into a cloistered life in our homes. For those of us with roommates or families, our residence has become something like a monastery. For those of us who live alone, our residence has become like a monastic cell. The cloistered life exposes our sins and weaknesses. Impatience, selfishness, pride, anger, laziness, indiscipline, anxiety, lust, and many other sins make themselves known when we’re confined to a small space for a long time. The revelation of such sins is a divinely appointed opportunity for repentance and revival.
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Christians?
This series of brief videos offers bite-sized, meaningful answers to commonly asked questions. We hope they will be a help to you! Please also share them freely. If you would like to submit a question of your own, please note the contact info at the conclusion of the video. We look forward to hearing from you!