As Ruth partakes of the generous provision of Boaz, she discovers that she has more than enough for her needs. She eats until she is satisfied herself, shares with her mother-in-law Naomi, and still has a bag of barley left over! Boaz, as we have often observed in this series, is a pointer to Jesus Christ who is our Redeemer. In Christ, we are likewise more than cared for. “Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.”
As we partake of the Lord’s Table, it is appropriate for us to express our gratitude for the overflowing provision of God in Christ, as Naomi does here: “whose kindness has not forsaken the living or the dead!”
1) God’s kindness is endless and abundant.
Point to ponder: Ruth was literally burdened down by the goodness of God to her, bringing home a sack full of provision.
Question to consider: Do you think of Jesus as barely enough for your needs, or as an over-abundance of provision for you?
2) God’s overflowing goodness is to be shared with others.
Point to ponder: Ruth rightly understood that the bountiful grace of God was not to end in her, but to be shared with others.
Question to consider: Who might you share your joy in Jesus with this week?
3) God’s appointed Redeemer is the instrument of his love and mercy.
Point to ponder: Just as Boaz was God’s instrument of grace to Ruth and Naomi, Jesus is our Redeemer.
Question to consider: As you take, or just observe, the Lord’s Supper today, look to Christ alone for your redemption.