Text: John 13:1 The Big Idea: We all long to be loved deeply, passionately, fulfillingly, extravagantly — and this is how Christ has loved us.
Lord's Supper

/ Filed Under: Messages
Burdened Down By the Abundance of God
As Ruth partakes of the generous provision of Boaz, she discovers that she has more than enough for her needs. She eats until she is satisfied herself, shares with her mother-in-law Naomi, and still has a bag of barley left over! Boaz, as we have often observed in this series, is a pointer to Jesus Christ who is our Redeemer. In Christ, we are likewise more than cared for. “Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.”

/ Filed Under: Messages
7 Ways That We Worship God
Considering that the first command is that we love and worship God, it is important for us to ask, “How do we worship God?” God of course does not leave us to guess about the answer. And as we might expect, in worshiping such a good and gracious God we not only glorify him but find satisfaction and eternal joy ourselves!