Text: 1 Timothy 1:12-16 The Big Idea: No matter who you are or what you may be feeling, the gospel of grace through Jesus Christ is worthy of your trust. 1) I thank him who has given me strength. 2) Grace, faith, and love are in Christ Jesus. 3) Christ Jesus came to save sinners.

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To Us a Child Is Born
Christmas is now world famous, and so the only surprise many people expect during this season is while opening presents. But in fact the manner of the Messiah’s coming was unexpected for many, even among those who looked for him — and he will continue to be a mystery to us today, if we do not know him through his word, the Bible.

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May His Name Be Renowned
As we come to the conclusion of the book of Ruth, we are meant to draw some conclusions, to learn some vital life lessons. In the conclusion of Boaz and Ruth’s story, we learn God’s way really is best. In the conclusion of Naomi’s story, we see there is always hope. And in the conclusion of the whole book, we learn it is not about us at all — it is all about the fame of the Redeemer Jesus Christ!

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How Can I Finish Well?
Having begun the Christian race, how can I finish well? Can I be assured of God’s continued work in and through me, as I seek to follow and honor him? Or will I peter out, fall spectacularly, or fail in the end? Thankfully, the Bible does promise us that God will continue and complete his saving work in us. Yet, God does use certain means to establish and strengthen us to that end.

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Judah, Tamar, & the Messy Messianic Line
Genesis 38 is nothing less than scandalous. Although a passage of Scripture that talks openly about embarrassing sin might at first affront our cultured sensibilities, the reality is this is exactly the kind of Bible we would wish for! A Bible that is about real sinners, who make really big mistakes, and mess up in horribly embarrassing ways, just like us – who God nonetheless saves, and even uses, in his great plan of Redemption.