Paul writes to the church at Corinth and says, “I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” Really? Nothing but Jesus? In this letter, Paul is going to address sin issues, life issues, church issues, and interpersonal issues. Yet, Paul insists at the outset that he will only be talking about Jesus! How can this be? All these issues have their center and solution in the gospel. And we must learn, then, to center our thinking and living and faith-fighting in the gospel like Paul consciously did. Paul, in this passage, shares with us at
“Open My Eyes”: a Meditation on God’s Word
Here’s a brief meditation I wrote down from Psalm 119, a great text for Bible reading. You might find it encouraging as you continue looking for wonderful things in God’s law this year: “Open my eyes that I may behold wonderful things out of your law” (Psalm 119:18).
A Million Dollars of Candy
What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent? (Luke 11:11). I don’t remember why we started playing this game, but sometime this week I initiated a little game with my kids: what if you won a million dollars? First of all, what would be the first ministry we would give to? And secondly, what would be the first thing that you would like to spend money on?