The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God (Romans 8:16).
Paul is speaking here to Christian believers, to those who have trusted their past, present, and future to Jesus as their Savior and Lord. And Paul reminds Christians that the Holy Spirit within us now gives us the true witness that we are his.
The Spirit, it is important for us to recognize, is not lying to us. This is not merely some pep talk that the Spirit gives us, in order to make us feel better: “Keep going, and maybe God will accept you if you’re good enough.” This is not a pipe dream.
No, the Spirit of God is communicating to our souls something specific and true. The Spirit of God, through the Word of God, is confirming to you a reality: “Because of Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and has given you his righteousness, your faith in Christ is not vain or empty. You are now a child of God himself. And he loves you.”
The Spirit of God is affirming this reality, based on God’s Word, to your soul.
God is your Father, dear believer! The Spirit of God is affirming this reality, based on God’s Word, to your soul. The Spirit is speaking truth to your soul when he says, “You are no longer a slave to sin. You are now the beloved child of God himself.”
If you are in Christ by faith, God loves you as much as he loves Jesus Christ. He has adopted you into his family. You belong here. The overflowing love of God as Father to his children is yours.