We wish to see Jesus (John 12:21).
These were the words of the Greeks who approached the apostle Philip when they came to the feast at Jerusalem. It is interesting to observe that these Gentiles were seeking Jesus while the Jewish leaders were plotting to put him to death. Their appearance points to the bringing in of the Gentiles and the blessing of the gospel they would soon enjoy.
May the words of these Greek inquirers be the sincere desire of our heart on a daily basis and particularly when we assemble to worship. Matthew Henry writes:
“In our attendance upon holy ordinances … the greatest desire of our souls should be to see Jesus; to have our acquaintance with him increased, our dependence on him encouraged, our conformity to him carried on; to see him as ours, to keep up communion with him, and derive communications of grace from him: we miss our end in coming if we do not see Jesus.”
What a difference it will make in our life every day if we see Jesus!
Our love for righteousness will increase, our hatred for sin will become more intense, our love for others will grow, and our joy in his service will abound.