The rip-roaring romance between Ruth and Boaz is but a shadow of the mutual love between Christ and his church. Yet, it does contain many instructive lessons for anyone seeking a similarly beautiful and successful romance. Or healthy relationships of any kind.
As Boaz makes a legal and permanent commitment to Ruth, we learn much concerning what a godly marriage consists of. And through them we see much concerning Christ’s loving commitment to his people.
Series: Redeemed! A Study In the Book of Ruth
Text: Ruth 4:1-12
1) You are making a legal transaction.
Point to ponder: Redemption is not primarily emotional or romantic — it is a legal transaction, a price paid to complete a transaction.
Question to consider: As a believer, if Jesus Christ paid the complete cost for your sins at the cross, how certain is your salvation?
2) You are buying it all.
Point to ponder: Boaz committed to care for, stay with, overlook, and love Ruth for life.
Question to consider: Do you love your spouse as Jesus loves, overlooking failures and forgiving offenses?
3) You are in need of help.
Point to ponder: As in every area of Christian life, married couples need the support of community and the strength of Christ to succeed.
Question to consider: Is a false sense of pride preventing you from opening up to others, or the Lord, regarding your need for help?