Text: Genesis 19:1-38
Coming in our study of Genesis to chapter 19, the events here recorded are so horrific that it is challenging to even review them in a co-ed, multi-aged meeting. The sin of Sodom, and the accompanying judgment of God upon the city, has rightly and purposefully become proverbial.
The destruction of Sodom is such a solemn event, such a warning sign planted into the soil of history, that it is often referenced afterward in Scripture as a reminder of God’s eternal punishment against all sin. Sodom is mentioned 48 times by name in the whole Bible; and 28 of those times (the majority!) are after its judgment by sulfurous fire. It is referenced 9 times in the New Testament alone, ranging all the way from Matthew to Revelation.
Yet this is not only the story of the abounding sin of Sodom, but also of the astonishing mercy of God. The same God who justly condemns also graciously saves.
I. The Rescuing of Lot (vv.1-22)
- vv.1-3 Two angels come to Sodom. The same two who, with Yahweh, visited Abraham; and who then headed to Sodom, while Abraham interceded for Sodom with Yahweh.
- Sodom progressively influenced Lot: he first looked (13:10); then pitched his tent in that direction (13:12), is living in (14:12), now is sitting in the gate (19:1) as one of its leaders; Lot is calling them “brothers,” and his daughters are engaged to men of the city.
- Contrast this attitude with the angels who come to destroy Sodom, who are hesitant (v.3) to even sleep in a home of Sodom.
- As Peter in NT, recognition of imminent judgment changes perspective of this world.
- On the positive side: the hospitality of Lot parallels that of Abraham, and is in complete contrast to the spirit of the city of Sodom.
- While Lot is guilty of compromise with the world, Lot is not one with the world.
- Sodom progressively influenced Lot: he first looked (13:10); then pitched his tent in that direction (13:12), is living in (14:12), now is sitting in the gate (19:1) as one of its leaders; Lot is calling them “brothers,” and his daughters are engaged to men of the city.
- vv.4-9 These angels had come down to see the wickedness of Sodom, and it does not take long for the deep-seated sin of Sodom to evidence itself.
- v.1 the angels came to Sodom in the evening, v.4 before they could even lay down to sleep the people of Sodom accost Lot’s home where they are staying.
- v.4 the mob that surrounded Lot’s home, for the single purpose of molesting Lot’s male guests, were males themselves—“young and old” and to the last man!
- Not just some gang within the city, but the whole city!
- v.8 Lot seeks to appease the mob’s evil intentions by offering his own daughters—a sinful act itself—but the Sodomites close in/press in upon him in v.9.
- What is their accusation against Lot? That he is “judging” them!
- vv.10-11 reveal something so evil and relentless about sin’s hold on those who are imprisoned by it—that it should make us pity those enslaved by sin and scare us permanently away from sin ourselves.
- In order to save Lot from the mob attacking him, the angels pull him inside the house, shut the door, and strike the entire mob blind—young and old again!
- One would think being struck blind would arrest anyone’s attention, would put an immediate end to this encounter. But instead, we read that the depraved crowd wore themselves out groping for the door!
- vv.17-22 record the wrangling of Lot with the angels over which direction he should run for his life.
- Yet, in all of the wickedness of Sodom and all the confused priorities of Lot, we cannot help but see the amazing grace of God at work. Through Lot the gospel is preached to the perishing, tho they do not receive it.
- And so this section ends with this remarkable divine summary: v.29. Abraham here serves as a Messianic figure, a pre-figure of Christ. God remembers his righteousness/honors his intercession, and so saves others.
II. The Destruction of Sodom (vv.23-29)
- vv.23-25 record that, after Lot finally escapes from the city, Yahweh rains destruction down on the cities of the valley. The Creator undoes Sodom!
- Every human being, every animal, every piece of vegetation is destroyed. Nothing survives or escapes the wrath of God against sin.
- We are meant to see in such catastrophic judgments the eternal implications of the judgment of every person who is not trusting in Christ. Lk 17:26-29; Jude 7; 2Pe 2:6-9.
- v.26 records the tragic story of Lot’s wife, who was behind him, looked back, and became a pillar of salt.
- She was already behind him, indicating her greater reluctance to leave, and then she looks longingly back to what God has declared to be wicked. She is therefore consumed by the same destruction. Consider Jesus’ application in Lk 17:32-33.
- Sodom is inscribed indelibly on the plaque of human history, a lasting message of God’s righteous wrath against all sin.
- Homosexuality is condemned even here in the first book of the Bible, and the law of Moses later will make it a capital offense, along with incest/bestiality.
- Yet if you read the story of Sodom and look down your nose at Sodom then you do not comprehend your own sinfulness before a holy God! Mt 11:23-24
- There is greater revelation now in NT times than ever, and so greater culpability today than then!
III. The Sin of Lot’s Family (vv.30-38)
- Lot’s daughters, anxious that their isolated situation will keep them from finding husbands, plan and perpetrate a sin that is nothing less than rape/incest.
- Lot puts himself in a compromising state by becoming drunk. Like Noah before him, he responds to God’s amazing deliverance with the appalling sin of drunkenness.
- What a sad irony/consequence of Lot’s sinful choices. The very ones he offered for rape in Sodom end up raping him.
- Ultimately, Lot’s family does not want to leave Sodom. The influence of Sodom continues with Lot’s daughters, and therefore with all of Lot’s descendants. Lot’s children become children of Sodom, of Satan.
- Though Lot’s whole family is saved initially from Sodom’s destruction, like Noah’s family, Lot’s family proves to be a mixture of those who persevere and those who do not.
- Parents, be warned! Yes, God is sovereign in salvation. But God consistently, sovereignly works through godly, dedicated believers who humbly, consistently present the gospel in both their words and deeds. Gen 18:19
Do you, as a believer, feel like Lot: vexed every day with the compromises you have made with the world? Or do you, as an unbeliever, relate to the soul-cries of Sodom under the weightiness of their own sinful choices?
- If so, please here Jesus, immediately after condemning Sodom in Mt 11:23-24; Jesus goes on to say in the verses immediately following: Mt 11:28-29 Come unto me…
- In fact, one of Lot’s descendants, a Moabite named Ruth, would later repent and turn to God. God not only received her, and forgave her, but he went on to make her the grandmother of King David himself, and the eventually ancestor of the Messiah himself!
- No matter the mess you have made of your life, or of your family—while God does turn our selfish endeavors into ashes, He also brings beauty out of the ashes when we turn to him in repentance and faith!