This is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent (John 17:3). It is common, as each year begins, for people to make New Year’s resolutions … which is not a bad practice. As we look back over the past year(s), it is appropriate to wonder if we accomplished what we should have, if our life was as useful and happy as we would like it to be — and then, as a result of that assessment, we resolve to do better in areas in which we feel like we have
New Year

/ Filed Under: Messages
Christ Sustaining You to the End
As we look to a new year in 2020, it is important to think about the things we should be doing better, especially in our service to God. We all probably need to be more diligent in Bible reading, prayer, persevering, temperance, self-denial … the list could go on and on. And it is good and appropriate to make resolutions to improve in some of these areas. But instead of talking about what we should be doing for God, this Sunday we want to consider what God is doing for us.