Now concerning our brother Apollos, I strongly urged him to visit you with the other brothers, but it was not at all his will to come now. He will come when he has opportunity (1 Corinthians 16:12). Even our very best plans often meet with significant snags. Many variables can conspire to derail our plans, but one in particular often proves a great help or hindrance in our efforts: people. Planning would be so easy if it weren’t for other people with other opinions! Pastoring, marriage, child-rearing, and evangelism would all be a cinch if you just didn’t have to
Acts: Paul is Presented to Felix
Title: Paul Is Presented to Felix Text: Acts 23:12-35 Big Idea: God’s great interest is the small details of his kingdom and his people. Outline: 1) Paul’s enemies plot to kill him. (vv. 12-15) Question to consider: What promises from the past do you have for your current situation? 2) Paul’s nephew is used to deliver Paul. (vv. 16-21) Question to consider: Who might God be using/sending in your life right now? 3) The Roman army is used to protect Jesus’ messenger. (vv. 22-35) Question to consider: What personal details do you need to trust to God
What Is Imputation, and Why Does It Matter?
Imputation is the act of one person adding something to another person’s account (Genesis 15:6). As believers in Jesus Christ, we have this clear assurance in Scripture: at the cross, our sins were imputed to Christ and Christ’s righteousness was imputed to us. The imputation of sin, as we see in Romans 5:12-15, is the way that God made for us to be saved. Our sin was placed upon Jesus Christ, and his righteousness was given to us, in order that we be saved.
The Daily Relevance of Jesus’ Resurrection
I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). The resurrection of Jesus is a pivotal point in human history. And it is, as Paul reminds us here, a pivotal point of the Christian message. Indeed, no one was more aware of, or insistent upon, its significance than Jesus himself.
We Will Be Changed In a Moment, After a Lifetime of Struggle
Not long ago I lead a study on the doctrine of “Glorification” in a systematic theology series for the Baptist Collegiate Ministry at the University of Cincinnati. I was greatly blessed in considering the eventual, promised perfection of the people of God. Yet I was also impressed all over again with the fact that every aspect of our salvation — including even our glorification — is not ultimately about us, but about God.
Your Salvation: Paid In Full
When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit (John 19:30). The phrase Jesus uses here on the cross expressed a business transaction completed: “paid in full.” At the heart of trusting in Jesus Christ for salvation is the confidence that nothing else needs to be added to the price he paid, in his death, for our salvation. Do you live in the reality of a fully-paid salvation each day?
Acts: The Lord Stood By Him
Title: The Lord Stood By Him Text: Acts 23:1-11 Big Idea: Jesus not only sends, but accompanies, his messengers everywhere. Outline: 1) Paul’s defense. (vv. 1-5) Question to consider: Do you desire to exalt God’s Word more than yourself? 2) Paul’s offense. (vv. 6-10) Question to consider: Are you willing to hear the facts about Jesus? 3) Paul’s ally. (v11) Question to consider: Are you willing to speak the facts about Jesus?
Magnify Him With Thanksgiving
I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving (Psalm 69:30). At first glance, the psalmist’s declaration may seem strange. How does one “magnify” the omniscient, omnipresent, almighty God who holds the universe in his hand? In other words, how can anyone make an everywhere-present God bigger?
Acts: Go, For I Will Send You
Title: Go, For I Will Send You Text: Acts 22:17-30 Big Idea: God is not limited by our meager minds or wills. Outline: 1) Limiting God by our presumption. (vv. 17-21) Question to consider: Do you at times deny Jesus as lord, while calling him ‘Lord’? 2) Limiting God by our discrimination. (vv. 22-23) Question to consider: Do you place boundaries on God’s authority in this world? 3) Limiting God by our underestimation. (vv. 24-30) Question to consider: Are you misjudging God’s power in your circumstances?
No One Who Abides In Him Keeps On Sinning
No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him (1 John 3:6). This is a sobering passage. It is meant to be. However, it should not be a passage that causes the Christian believer to despair. John is not condemning the one who is seeking to overcome sin, but the one who habitually gives into sin without repenting. John purposefully describes here the one who is (or is not) continually sinning (as is evident from the “linear present”, or continuing action, of the verbs in the original
What Is Salvation, and Where Is It Found?
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8). Salvation means “to deliver” someone out of danger. Salvation, especially in the Bible, implies then that people need to be saved. It also implies that someone is able and willing to save the person who needs to be saved. The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the only source of true salvation for any human being.
What Is Sanctification?
If you are a believer, then you are “sanctified”, you are a saint (same root word). The word sanctification means “to set apart for a particular purpose.” There is no ceremonial act—not even baptism or the Lord’s Supper—which is needed in order to be saved, or sanctified. This may be confusing, however, because the Bible often talks about, even exhorts us to, sanctification as a goal. This is because there is more than one aspect to God’s setting us apart; he sets apart in different ways and for different purposes.
Test Yourself, but Trust In Jesus
Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5). Paul’s exhortation to be regularly testing the sincerity and purity of your own faith is not given in order to make you doubt your salvation every other day. Faith in Christ is exactly that: faith in Jesus’ finished work, not in our own faithfulness. However, we are to be regularly doing the hard work of honest self-appraisal.
Acts: What Shall I Do, Lord?
Title: What Shall I Do, Lord? Text: Acts 22:1-16 Big Idea: God calls everyone to know Jesus Christ, and to make him known. Outline: 1) I was zealous for God, just as you are. (vv. 1-5) Question to consider: If zeal doesn’t equal truth, what might you be wrong about? 2) I was opposing Jesus, just as you have. (vv. 6-10) Question to consider: What would a radical conversion look like in your life? 3) I needed the Righteous One, just as you do. (vv. 11-16) Question to consider: Do you perhaps have an appointment with
Jesus Says, “I Am the Door”
I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture (John 10:9). It is easy and common to skip over this reference of Jesus to himself as the door and jump straight to him as the shepherd (also in this passage in John 10). But pause and consider that Jesus says he is not only the shepherd of his sheep but he is also the door. In other words, Jesus is not only the shepherd of the sheep, but he is also the way through which he leads