The following is an excerpt from The True Christian’s Love to the Unseen Christ, written by English pastor Thomas Vincent over 300 years ago. I quoted this passage in a message I preached, entitled “What Do You Do When You Leave Church?” The truth is, too many Christians in our day live lives that are spiritually disjointed.
Well Said
It Is Not Love That Sustains Marriage, But Marriage That Sustains Love
I recently came across this excellent quote on marriage from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the famous German preacher who was executed by the Nazis for trying to overthrow Hitler. Coming from a serious man, who lived in a day of serious challenges, it is all the more poignant and worthwhile. Marriage is more than your love for each other.
Apprehension Leads to Application
While knowledge of the truth is very important, it is possible to put so much emphasis on the letter of it that the application is forgotten. Paul reminds us that knowledge alone just puffs a person up, while knowledge according to love actually builds up. So here is a thought for pastors, especially, and by implication the people in the pew as well.
Physics Says You Shouldn’t Exist
The creation is singing and dancing the praises of its Maker so clearly and so loudly, that Paul says everyone is “without excuse” when they ignore what is “clearly perceived” (Romans 1:20). The fine-tuning of this massive, marvelous, intricate universe we live in is just one of many ways that the creation is declaring the existence and glory of its Creator. Yet the effort to suppress the truth (Romans 1:18) continues in every generation, in a variety of ways.
Dilbert on Truth-speaking
Our goal when speaking to other Christians or unbelievers, Paul reminds us in Ephesians 4:15, is not to “debunk every belief you have.” It is to share the truth in love. The difference in these two ends should therefore lead to very different means, as well.